
[Shomu] Overwrite (Comic Unreal 2015-02 Vol. 53) [English] [CGrascal]

[しょむ] オーバーライト (コミックアンリアル 2015年2月号 Vol.53) [英訳]

Artists: shomu (62)
Categories: manga (50,718)
24 pages

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ok i need a series of this guy conquering the school; the student body, teachers.....shiiiiiiiid send him to collage next, people's family n his own...... just boss it.....but DON'T fuck him over in the end LET HIM WIN


Violent or not, I do feel sorry for the girl. Can't really fap to this.


Lmao, next thing you are going to say is video games make people more violent and shooting games make more people shoot up civilians. Ayyyyy


looking at this author's cup of tea (mind-break, sadism, rape), it's unsettling that so many people liked and favorited them; considering the majority of hentai fans are male, is this how violent most of us are? *jacks off anyway to some other hentai*