(C89) [Pochi-Goya. (Pochi.)] Ane Naru Mono 2 | An Elder Sister 2 [English] [Facedesk]
(C89) [ぽち小屋。 (ぽち。)] 姉なるもの 2 [英訳]
35 pages
Nagito Komaeda
Seeing such beautiful love, however fictional, is so beautiful, even someone like me is filled with hope!
I was expecting some weird, fucked up shit but got this sweet thing instead. I love it ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaw it's so sweet I just died of diabetes in about 5 minutes. Good news for the serialization XD I look forwarad to it.
this shit is good