
[Jyoka] Igyou Kaikitan Mannequin | Wonderfully Grotesque Mystery - Mannequin (Monthly QooPA 2015-06) [English] [SaHa]

[叙火] 異形怪奇譚 マネキン (月刊くーぱ QooPA! 2015年6月号) [英訳]

Artists: jyoka (26)
Categories: manga (45,366)
24 pages

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Well this had a 'Bad End'.

Oral Fetishist

Unfortunately the website owner can't translate anything.They just upload this doujins from other sources just like the other doujin web does.But I prefer Nhentai due to the fast update/system interface unlike others.


I know I sound like a sick bastard but can you please translate all the chapters.


That's what i get for reading it because of the picture b4 reading the title


can you comsume all the story in one