[Shiruka Bakaudon] JS★Gabagabarin! (COMIC Mate Legend Vol.8 2016-04) [English]
[知るかバカうどん] JS★ガバガバりんっ! (コミック Mate legend Vol.8 2016年4月号) [英訳]
22 pages
Amazing piece of art, it cured me after reading some filthy NTRs. So cute and soothing, restored my faith in chinese cartoon characters. Fucking way to go, Artist-sama <3
This is the most disgusting piece of Manga that has ever existed, why would you do that and why would you enjoy it. This is just extremely sad!!!
While I don't agree with most of this, I have wanted to smack kids like on page 7. Those who have had to care for kids will understand.