
(C89) [Zarigani Arms (20)] September 5 to 8 (Fire Emblem if) [English] {Shotachan}

(C89) [ザリガニARMS (廿)] September 5 to 8 (ファイアーエムブレムif) [英訳]

Characters: percy (2)
Artists: 20 (4)
Categories: doujinshi (129,515)
15 pages

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@ninjinchan No they're not. I thought the same too as first when it wasn't translated and I had to commission this dj to clear the smoke. It's just that in page two Percy used the skill called "Replicate" to create a puppet with the same appearance, abilities and HP as the user thus why on page 5 we see the other Percy's shorts tear apart and his expression change on the next page with a disturbed expression.


are these pages out of order or something?


No Fap September... is coming