
[Salad] Onii-chan no Shuki | My Brother's Diary (Show Bitch) [English] [SWG]

[さらだ] お兄ちゃんの手記 (しょうびっち) [英訳]

Artists: salad (53)
Languages: english (42,383)
Categories: manga (50,718)
20 pages

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Synapse http://hentai.eroan.xyz/?hitomi/galleries/359105.html I don't know if this connect but this seem like the same girl from this comic the only different is the name but that could be from translation. If it does connect this will clear up things.


Isn't this the continuation of "Since that Day"?


I feel like this wasnt the ending. I'm willing to wager she's fucking the dad and is just pretending to be pregnant by the brother to keep the dad from having to take responsibility. This reeks of NTR


Wait so are they siblings or not?