(C92) [Funi Funi Lab (Tamagoro)] MAO FRIENDS (Pokémon) [English] [biribiri]
(C92) [フニフニラボ (たまごろー)] マオフレンズ (ポケットモンスター) [英訳]
26 pages
(S.D.A) Slut Detection Agent
Everyone in Alola get cheered up by fucking Mallow. Hail the mighty SLUT of Alola
We've got Tamagoro for the game doujins and GamblerClub for the anime doujins. Pretty funny how they both released their Mallow ones at about the same time.
Hentai fiend
His dick looks like a twig
I like how Tamagoro sticks around original game characters instead of anime chars. It's great to have game-lored doujins. Ash's doujins feel... odd.
Ash is a punk bitch gtf out of here with that shit
Who drew this......get this weak nigga outta here and bring a real nigga like ash.......let's be honest ash a pimp n she a hoe Lil nigga getting finessed...... Prolly paying off screen
Nice and good ship
So... God does exist doesn't he? Thank you lolicon god's.
Masked Pervert
That was translated rather quickly.