(SC2018 Autumn) [HappyBirthday (MARUchang)] GOOD and EVIL (Zombie Land Saga) [English] [Tomatoy]

(サンクリ2018 Autumn) [HappyBirthday (丸ちゃん。)] GOOD and EVIL (ゾンビランドサガ) [英訳]

Characters: ai mizuno (2)
Artists: maruchang (81)
Categories: doujinshi (184,789)
14 pages

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Ain't that quick. well ai is one of the cutest members of the group for me so I don't mind her to be the first one getting lewded. that being said I don't think fucking a zombie who's so alive like this counts as necrophilia anymore.
So if you have sex with a zombie would that count as necrophilia??
A short hentai that brings lots of questions. Do Zombies get pregnant? How can a zombie be more sensitive than humans if gunshots do nothing? Guess sex really change people.. or zombies
I was expecting her head to go off Or to drop a leg.
Missing necrophilia tag? I guess that's where they get their funds from when they were just starting out.
To think Ai Mizuno would be the first to have a doujin
Zombies are actually more sensitive than human -> Wut?