(ROSE OF MUSEUM2) [Negapoji-Bu (Booch)] Ib to Garry o Issho ni Ofuro ni Ireru to Dou Naru no? | What happens when you're in a bath together, Garry and Ib? (Ib) [English] [Iam1vs100xp]
(ROSE OF MUSEUM2) [ネガぽじーぶ (ぶーち)] イヴとギャリーを一緒にお風呂にいれるとどうなるの? (Ib) [英訳]
26 pages
Oh my, I never this would actually happen. It's like a sub culture of another subculture. Anyway, not to surprised it's ib out of all the rpg horror games. If just seemed liked the more popular one. Would be very interesting to see other titles like Alice mare and so on H or non-H